2006-06-12 20:00
Uni Ulm, Hörsaal H20
Volker Birk

Folien: tgtp-chaos-seminar.odp

Es folgt der Call for Paper des 22C3. Ich hatte keine Lust zum Übersetzen. Der Vortrag ist aber auf deutsch.


Tracking goods and tracing people - localization in the pizza man’s universe


Technical methods and social components of localization services for items and people


This speech shows an overview and details about different technologies for tracking & tracing systems. It categorizes and displays, how such tracking systems work today, and where they’re already running. The security aspects of different tracking systems are reconsidered in detail.

Seeing, what’s goin’on, the social consequences are enlightened. Those consequences are as well commercial issues like results in changing market power, as consequences for “consumers”, people who should know what is done with there data, but usually don’t.

Having those tracking systems in business, a second look goes to tracing systems of the states, and what are the dangers of abusing them.

A discussion follows, what should be demanded from a society, which moves straitforward closer and closer to Orwell’s nightmare.


This speech shows an overview and details about different technologies for tracking & tracing systems, systems to localize items or persons.

The tracking systems showed include tracking goods and containers in warehouses, tracking goods containers and vehicles in the transportation market, and tracking vehicles, items and people for security purposes and law enforcement.

It categorizes and displays, how such tracking systems work today, and where they’re already running. The security aspects of different tracking systems are reconsidered in detail.

This includes localization technologies like GPS, cell info, and gatewaying as well as the communications aspect using wired and wireless networks. Also the problem of identification is spoken to.

As a result, the big picture is showed, how items and people can be tracked through the world.

Seeing, what’s goin’on, the social consequences are enlightened. Those consequences are as well commercial issues like results in changing market power, as consequences for “consumers”, people who should know what is done with there data, but usually don’t.

Having those tracking systems in business, a second look goes to tracing systems of the states, and what are the dangers of abusing them.

Automated face recognition systems as well as vehicle tracking systems and systems to trace the movement of prisoners or people, which are grounded, are showed and their potentials and constraints are discusses.

The possibility for automated tracking with electronically communicating passports and tracing possibilities by lawful interception of mobile communications are spoken to.

A discussion follows, what should be demanded from a society, which moves straitforward closer and closer to Orwell’s nightmare.